Travelling & Outdoors

4 products

Survival Balm - multi-purpose balm

Survival balm- is the ultimate multi-purpose balm to carry with you for all skin emergencies when you go on your outdoor adventures.


She'll Be Right - Manuka Honey & Propolis Multi-Purpose Healing Balm

A safe and natural multi-purpose healing balm for the whole family.


Magic Bites - Soothing Balm For Mosquito & Sandfly Bites

Soothing balm for Mosquito & Sandfly bites.


Good Riddance - Mosquito & Sandfly Repellent (Organic)

Stop sandflies and mosquito bites with NZ's best natural and organic oil-free spray for the whole family.Good Riddance spray is long-lasting and is Deet Free and Alcohol-Free.
